Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Market Outlook & Where to Invest in 2012

Guys its been a while well not exactly a while its been a year now as I !! well simple reason being laziness..well not exactly laziness..its my new trader job & the hunt for the better half mixed with unpaid salaries.. that kept me occupied well :)..

Ok quickly back to business bottomline bottomline bottomline....

Index : DowJones...I see 12,232 hasnt been broken for a while..we tried like thrice.... but frankly dont loose hope market noises already have been shouting that the US markets are a great buy..true or not lets have a take for 2012 : Bullish ! keep your sights high for 14271 !!

Gold : Simple and straight look at 1423..yes buy gold cheap for whoever..urself or someone else..keep ur cash ready !

Silver: for the short term $24....long term $18...fundamentally consumption could keep it bullish especially Industrial..demand, growth are the drivers..speaking of emerging markets...guess slowdown is showing sights on India and China...overheating engines need to cool a bit to regain power to generate further thrust..looking at 1st quarter so actually..I'd keep loads of cash at every dip to buy these economies.

Crude Oil:  Set sights for $120 and full your tanks at $80 simple isnt it !

Indian Markets in 2012:  Expect cooling in the first quarter..and use this dip to see returns in the range of 40-100% depending on the sectors you choose I have mine in mind already ..need to raise some cash though :)

Rest keep it simple..dont get bogged down by people's noise (statement courtesy late Steve Jobs (RIP)) be objective..understand the crux of the your profits and minimize losses. Other major observation being..the markets have corrected over a larger period and are set for full thrust take off. The Double Dip blah blah seems passe' unless it actually happens and causes a market tank is still difficult.

If I missed to cover something else above and u are interested to know my view or discuss further please feel free to contact back. Appreciate your attention !

Wishing you a Very Happy & Prosperous New Year -2012